The Hoboburger hiatus is over. Until it no longer isn't, of course.
The good news is that you haven't really missed much. As the lone voice of the hobo culture, I can tell you that pretty much everything is the same with hobos as it was when I last posted in 2011.
Same clothes, same bindles. Literally. The exact same clothes and bindles.
Obviously socks and shoes have changed because it's rare to keep footwear for more than a year due to wear and tear. And theft. And sometimes accidental consumption. (Socks are a great soup flavoring.) ("Soup" meaning "water over a fire".)
But everything else is the exact same. And really, what new discoveries in the stabbing sciences are even possible in this day and age of advanced stabbing knowledge?
Do you think Banjo Fred Mississippi is going to come bursting out of his box car lab screaming, "Eureka, I have discovered a new neck stab!"
It's not happening. There hasn't been a place on the body that a hobo ain't stabbed or been stabbed. These guys are like the NASA of stabbing.
So anyway, let this be the announcement that Hoboburger is back, and there are no plans to go anywhere. Though there were also no plans to come back.
For the future, be thinking about who would win in a fight between a hobo and a ninja in his 70s, because we're gonna be talking about that in the very near future.
(The near future being somewhere between tomorrow and never.)