So I'm wandering around the internet and I head over to and find out that there's a national hobo convention every year in Britt, Iowa. I thought that was neat, until I went to the FAQ and happened upon this:
How can we get to the Hobo Convention?
Britt, Iowa is located 31 miles west of Mason City, Iowa. Route 18 travels through Britt. Greyhound Bus services Mason City. Clear Lake Municipal Airport offers flight service.
Greyhound Bus? Clear Lake Municipal Airport? Um, hello? I seriously doubt the Hobo Hall of Fame is going to have a wing in the museum for air and bus travel. Sellouts.
Here' s a little bit of old soul at least:
Can we still ride a freight train to the Convention?
Freight train riding is illegal! (wink, wink - my comments) Train service to Britt, Iowa is sporadic at best. There are 2-3 trains daily in either direction. While we don’t condone freight train riding, we recognize that there will be individuals who will choose to travel that way. Please be careful.
This makes me feel a bit better about the hobo legacy. While they are adamant in their telling you that freight train riding is illegal, they do tell you how many times trains come through Britt each day. This reminds me of all the keggers in college that had notebook paper signs around the kegs saying, "We are not responsible for anybody under 21 who is drinking" or "Nobody under 21 permitted alcohol", and then you're hoisting that 19-year old up while he does a keg stand.
Anyway, I thought you might find this all interesting.
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