Friday, April 18, 2008


Do hobos pull pranks on eachother?

A common prank among skydivers is to pack somebody's parachute full of silverware. I wonder if hobos do the same with a bindle.

Although I'm guessing it wouldn't be a wise move to have one hobo having a bindle full of silverware, as some of that stuff is bound to be knives, and the spoons can easily be fashioned into hobo shivs. And forks came out of the womb with stabbing potential.

It's probably safe to say that if hobos do pull pranks, it wouldn't involve depleting their own knife supply while simultaneously increasing somebody else's--no matter how damn funny it would be.

When I was like seven-years old, I was sleeping one night and my brother woke me to tell me that the school bus was here, so I got up and headed for the porch in order to catch the bus. I think you could probably do something similar to a sleeping hobo, but I'm guessing you have to beware the consequences of a pranked hobo.

You would probably want to guard your soft middle parts from an angry stabbing. A pie pan or cookie sheet would have to be popular choices in my opinion.

I've also heard tales of hobos fashioning chainmail out of pennies. "Penny-mail" is inexpensive, as it only costs you the amount of pennies you choose to use and a little bit of wire. As with most attire, however, the fatter you are, the more expensive your gear. Fortunately, the fattest hobo on record only weighed 158 pounds.

What about the old "shaving cream in the sleeping hand" prank? In my opinion, this would be a very cruel prank to play as most hobos sleep with their knives taped into their hands, so somebody could very easily lose an eye.

I guess that's why they say "Let sleeping hobos lie."

Sounds like good advice.

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