Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Hobo Or Not A Hobo - Revealed!

The answer: Not a hobo! This is actually a picture of an old coot. You can tell coots from their prominent stink eye and their disdain for the classified ads. The tell-tale sign that this was not a picture of a hobo was the large-brimmed hat that this coot is wearing. Because a hobo is usually sheltered by the metal roof of freedom, he has no need for such a sun-blocking brim. The rest of the clothing, however, could be found on any hobo, so don't feel bad if you felt this man was a hobo.


Anonymous said...

Be sure to check out HoboBurger Sucks. I'm sure you will enjoy it.

Anonymous said...

Wow. Apparently anybody can have a blog nowadays.

Hutch said...


Anonymous said...

I know exactly what you guys mean... like this one.